ISB Elementary Basketball Team -
Fall 2006
ISB has a traveling basketball team for it's 5th and 6th graders. They hold tryouts and have to narrow the team down from about 40 kids to 15 and Alex made the team! His team is co-ed - they have 12 boys and 3 girls. They play against teams that are co-ed, just boys, and just girls. He has practice twice a week (at seven in the morning!!!) and games are held regularly. They do travel to other countries to international schools there and other international schools travel here to play against our teams. When they travel, the families of the local team "house" our kids and when other teams come here, our families "house" the kids that have traveled. They were also told they have to dress "smart" when they travel so they can represent both themselves and their school in a positive way - you can see Alex all set to travel to Luxembourg (where all these pictures we taken). It is a really fun experience for us all!