
The whole team celebrates a great day at Locktoberfest!  Varsity takes 1st place, fresh/soph takes 1st place, and in the open race 9 of the first 10 from NVXC!

The fresh/soph race had 17 schools and 115 individuals taking the line - NV is in yellow and dark blue.

Sean, Mike, Alex, Brendan, and Nick are getting ready to run.

The fresh/soph boys are off!  It's good that they paint those poles yellow at the bottom to the kids don't run into them :)  Photographers and the starter have been known to hide behind them as well.

Brendan and Alex working together at the front of the race about mid way through.

Alex going to the finish line

Top 25 fresh/soph runners - Brendan won in 17:07, Nick B. was 3rd in 17:15, and Alex was 5th in 17:21, Sean came in in 9th and Mike in 11th for our top 5 and a team score of 29 - Ross is in the top 25 yet doesn't count in the scoring since he was 6th for the team and our 7th - Nick D. - finished 27th, just out of this group.  Second place team had 85 points.  Great finish for NV in this full 5K race!  Alex decided this is one of his favorite courses - in the woods and hilly.

The fresh/soph boys celebrate their victory!