Cross Country ISST Tournament
Time for the big race - the ISST Championships in Paris! The team set out on November 8th ready to take on the rest of the international schools and came home on November 9th holding their heads high!
One of our varsity boys took home the big prize - 1st place individual! The varsity boys team took 4th as well. The girls made a strong showing with a small team with big heart - varsity taking 7th place team awards and the sole JV girl getting 19th place individually. But our story will focus on the JV Boys Team -
The JV boys have been having a great season, taking some top honors both as individuals and as a team at many meets all season, so hopes were high going into the big day. The seven boys were ready for the challenge! They were racing against 12 JV teams so they had their work cut out for them!
The first picture shows the beginning of the JV race - 80 boys packed into that little passage between the trees. ISB showed what it is made of with Matt finishing 7th, Felix 19th, Ben at 22nd, Alex at 29th, Dylan at 30th, and Tyler at 64th. Louie tried really hard and had a great season, but unfortunately he couldn't finish due to the cold (and fever!) he had on race day. Tyler had also been sick leading up to the race and was not able to do as well as he usually does. Big congrats to those two for giving it their best even when they weren't at theirs! We are especially proud of Alex of course - he gave his very best effort on such an important day!
With these fantastic finishes, the boys were able to claim the Silver Medal and 2nd Place Team Trophy for ISB! What an amazing day for them!
The entire team, boys and girls, varsity and JV
The JV boys get their awards!
Way to go, boys!