H is for...
Highland Games
Scotland comes to Hoeilaart one day a year when they hold the annual Highland Games - beer, kilts, strong men and women and lots of great fun!
We enjoyed watching all the events, and even seeing one of Alex's teachers playing bagpipes!
Hoeilaart is the commune just south of Overijse - we drove threw it almost daily!
These signs are at an intersection there - this way to here, that way to there, read fast!
And this pond is just over from the centrum and always has either ducks and geese or a fishing tournament going on or both. Each spring we would see a one-legged duck hopping around between the pond and the street!
Hotel de Ville
And again the Hotel de Ville - the town hall of Brussels. What a beautiful building!
Cars are no longer allowed to drive in the Grand Place (it used to be a parking lot...) so imagine our surprise one day to walk out onto it and find it with about a dozen flower covered Ferraris parked on it! We then looked up and saw this bride and groom on the balcony of the Hotel de Ville as well - have no idea who they are but they must be somebody to have their wedding at the Hotel de Ville and to get permission to park that many Ferraris on the Grand Place!